Značka: video
killedincars: Here is a very cool submission from PZ. I…
killedincars: Here is a very cool submission from PZ. I absolutely hound him to submit more of this stuff. I can’t really advertise his Facebook page, but needless to say, this guy must have the best favorites on his Vimeo and YouTube profile. That …
New video for song Tigermy, which appears on the new EP Gliese….
New video for song Tigermy, which appears on the new EP Gliese. It will be digitally released on 20th December 2010. The CDs will come out on 15th January 2011. Video by Czech artist Veronika Vlková. http://bumbumsatori.org/fiordmoss http://fiordmos…
PENDLER (AT, Karate Joe) SK/CZ TOUR Skupinu Pendler založili v…
PENDLER (AT, Karate Joe) SK/CZ TOUR Skupinu Pendler založili v roku 2005 ako štúdiový projekt viedenskí umelci Sabine Marte, Markus Marte a Oliver Stotz. Hlavnou myšlienkou bolo efektívne skombinovať schopnosti jednotlivých členov, ktor